Monday, January 20, 2014

A Themed Week

Last week seemed to have a theme in our household...growing up.  It was a very bittersweet week. 

With Shelby due in May and EG quickly growing longer than her crib-converted-toddler-bed, it was time for some big girl furniture.  

So she still may have room if it wasn't for our funny farm we MUST keep in bed with us.  :-)  But anyways, we had ordered a set made by Vaughan Basset (right here in VA!) on January 2nd and have been waiting for it to come in.  J got a phone call on Monday that it had arrived!!  We also had to be in town for a doctor's appointment with EG's pediatric uroglogist the next perfect! 

So on Tuesday, we woke up bright and early and dropped the trailer off at the furniture store.  Traffic was awful and with my bladder, we made it just a few minutes late!  

EG was born with hydronephrosis, or the swelling of the kidneys.  They caught it on an ultrasound I had done at 41.5 weeks pregnant.  There can be many causes, some much scarier than others.  Thankfully in EG's case, it was from being scrunched up in the womb and she just needed time to grow out of it.  At our appointment, EG rocked it, especially for being almost 2.5.  She was patient, told the nurse what the stethoscope was used for, and took had her weight and height taken like a champ.  On the other hand, she wanted nothing to do with the blood pressue cuff or thermometer, told the ultrasound tech that his gel was "hot" (it wasn't by the way....just warmed for comfort), that the wand "hurt", and that she wanted to go play in the other room, and refused to even be touched by the doctor.  I guess you can't win them all.

We got the best of news Tuesday: no more hydronephrosis (none, not even a little bit!), no scar tissue or damage, and an exit ticket to not have to come back! :-)  Well, not really an actual ticket but some sweet good-byes.  So after 5 ultrasounds, 1 dye test, 1 pediactriic urologist, 3 ultrasound technicians, and numerous nurses, nurse practioners, and medical students, we are done.  I'm so thankful that she is healthy and her kidneys looked so great!  There's nothing more to say than: God is good.

We left and hit Target and Babies 'R Us to pick up a few odds and ends to finish EG's big girl room makeover.  Then, we picked up our trailer and furniture and back up the road we went.  We spent the rest of the day in EG's room moving furniture out, cleaning, moving furniture in, and decorating.  It took a long time.  

I loved how it turned out.  EG loves it too.  She was so excited.  We have much more room for our funny farm in our bed.  She has slept like a champ in her new bed, too!

On Saturday, EG had her Little Gym Mid-Year Showcase.  She has been going to the Little Gym since she was 10 months old.  It's an AMAZING place with AMAZING teachers.  I love the laid-back, let them do their thing attitude.  

She did so well.  She actually sat for most of the beginning, announced her own name at introductions, tried every activity including bear walking (see top right corner) BY HERSELF.  No one prompted her to do it.  And, she was so proud of her certificate, I thought she would never let it go.  She ran from J to me to some family we had with us over and over showing us!  EG will have to move up in age very soon from a Beast to a Super Beast (before Beast she was a Bird). 

When we got home, I had a hankering to set up the nursery for Shelby.  J says I'm already nesting.  

By the end of the day Sunday, we had it set up and all blankets, sheets, etc., and Newborn and 0-3 Month clothing was washed.  I just need a small shopping trip to finish it off, and we will be mostly ready for Shelby's arrival in May.  EG was very sweet about us setting it up.  She didn't seem to like that Shelby's room is now housing her old toys (some she hasn't seen in a year...but boy did we remember them!).  She doesn't seem to mind Shelby taking the nursery furniture though.  She told us, "Shelby sleep in there!" as she climbed the side of the crib to look. 

What a busy week!  I don't think things will slow down until March.  February looks to be a very busy month in the Shifflett doesn't seem like it will have the same theme as this past week though.  Thank goodness, I'm not sure how much growing up this momma can take right now!  Although if it involved potty training, I would probably survive. :-)

"A daughter may outgrow your lap, but she will never outgrow your heart." 


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