Sunday, December 22, 2013

Santa Claus

Today we went to see Santa.  We were suppose to go two weeks ago, but it iced.  Then last weekend, I was under the weather.  So that left today.  Cutting it a bit close, but we made it.  EG was oh so excited.  When asked what she was going to tell Santa, she replied "ho, ho!" 

We got to Bass Pro around 10:30.  Santa had arrived at 10.  Our ticket time was still 1:00! It's crazy how fast those tickets go.  It was nice though, because it gave us time to look around, grab lunch, and then do some shopping.  Little miss got a new camouflage shirt, daddy got a thermometer for his building, and me? I got two tackle box cases to put to use in my classroom! 

We joined our line, and you could tell EG was worn out.  I gave her my phone and let her watch Mickey Mouse while praying she wouldn't melt down on Santa.  

As soon as we made it to the final stretch, meaning actually on the red carpet in Santa's Wonderland, EG became a different child.  She was lively, awake, and ready! Yay! 

She loved, and I mean LOVED the talking reindeer.  Can you tell? She chatted and giggled with him for as long as we could let her. 

Jeffrey took her to sit on Santa's lap.  He said she said "hi Santa".  She didn't tell him "ho, ho", which could possibly be a good thing. Haha. She did smile for her photo but wouldn't look at the camera.

I think it turned out pretty cute though!  

I can't believe this is her third Christmas.  I don't want to forget these little moments.  Like talking with the reindeer, speaking to Santa for the first time....and even (and not Christmss related) shutting her eyes when she doesn't want to listen to you.  

Today was a bittersweet day.  While we enjoyed family time, another family said good bye to their 2-year old who has battled cancer.  My prayers are with them this evening.  May you rest in peace dear sweet Ellie. 

I know I held my child a little bit tighter today.  Today is a gift and tomorrow is not guaranteed. 

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